OMC In The Community

OMC In The Community

The Ottawa Mustang Club is about more than just our cars. We are a family, and we are a part of the larger Ottawa community. We live and work in the region, and we do our part to give back to our community.

Along with our weekly meets, we also participate in larger community events, and host several ourselves. Many of these events are also fund raising opportunities for many local groups. Among the groups that we have supported, either directly or indirectly, are:

Ottawa Cancer Foundation

Ottawa Food Bank

Parkinson’s Research


50/50 Draws

Along with dedicated events to support various charities, we also raise funds at our weekly meets.

Each meet also includes a 50/50 draw, where we collect funds for a designated charity. At the start of each season, the members elect an organization to support for that year. Proceeds are collected throughout our summer season, and then presented to the designated charity at the end of our season, usually in conjunction with our Holiday party.

For the past two seasons this has been The Ottawa Food Bank.

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